As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue
Life is a journey full of uncertainty. It can feel impossible to find where we belong, but I believe home can be right here even as we wander. These short, 10-15 minute episodes are written and hosted by me, Lauren Lanoue. With them, I hope to provide a safe space for us as we learn together to find home or make it wherever we are on our own unique journeys.
12 episodes
Episode 11: Four Things Writing a Book Proposal Taught Me
In this episode, I'm talking about four things that I learned while writing a book proposal. This process taught me a tremendous amount about myself, myself as a writer, and the people I am writing for based on what I want to write about. The t...
Season 1
Episode 11
Why I'm Letting Go of Hope...Oh! And My New Word of the Moment
Welcome. Every piece of you. Hope. Hope is a weird thing to try to explain and yet we're told we should cling to it even though we can barely define it. I’m learning that while living life open handed is about letting go, it is also...
For When You Can't Go Back Home: A Eulogy for Letting Go
In today's episode, we are tackling a difficult subject--what happens when you can't go back home. I’ll share a bit what it felt like moving back to the Bible Belt of Western North Carolina after living abroad for four years . We'll...
Episode 9
Mondays, Bad Days, and Reali-tay...Oh! And a Reminder That You Are Not a Bother
In today's episode, you get to listen to me complain. Ok, not really, but I am going to tell you about a bad day that I experienced several months ago, and the lessons I learned through the experience. We'll talk about the importance of embraci...
Episode 8
On Being in Process...Oh! And What Makes a True Masterpiece
This is episode 7 of As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue.This is a podcast about finding home or making it right where we are on our own unique journeys.Whatever brings you here, and whatever you've brought with you. Welcome. Every pi...
Episode 7
Episode 6: Ambition, Evolution, and the Word of the Year...Oh! And Why I Flinch When My Toddler is Holding a Doll
In today's episode, we're talking about Ambition, Evolution, and the Word of the Year…Oh! And Why I Flinch When My Toddler is Holding a Toy. You will also learn why I prefer to have a word of the moment instead of a word of the year.
Episode 6
Episode 5: Quitting the Race...Oh! And What the Tortoise and the Hare Didn't Teach You
If you've ever found yourself exhausted from having to keep up or stay ahead in a race you never signed up to be in, this race we call life, this episode is for you. Today I'm talking about something I recently learned from that old tale of the...
Episode 5
Episode 4: Making Do vs. Making Home...Oh! And Why I Think Things Never Get Any Easier
When we were living abroad, I lived with the mantra "we're just here for a little while. We'll make do with what we have." But that "little while" turned into a little longer, and that's when I learned the importance of making home right here, ...
Episode 4
Episode 3: When Our Built-In Communities Break Down...Oh! and Why Us Introverts Need Extrovert Friends
Most of us have or have had some sort of built-in community whether that's provided through our family, by living in a small town, a church, or even work. In today's episode, you'll hear about what happens when these built-in commu...
Episode 3
Episode 2: Homemaking and the Smell of Curry...Oh! And Those God-Forsaken Coin-Operated Shopping Carts
In which you'll hear a story about finding home in unexpected places from a taste of banana bread to the sound of a baby's laughter, and yes, the smell of curry. It's a story of learning to recognize those small bits of home along our journey, ...
Episode 2