As I Wander with Lauren Lanoue

Episode 2: Homemaking and the Smell of Curry...Oh! And Those God-Forsaken Coin-Operated Shopping Carts

Lauren Lanoue Episode 2
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00:00 | 09:30

In which you'll hear a story about finding home in unexpected places from a taste of banana bread to the sound of a baby's laughter, and yes, the smell of curry. It's a story of learning to recognize those small bits of home along our journey, no matter how strange or foreign it all seems.

I'd love to know: Where is a surprising place you have found a sense of home when home was no where to be found?

If you'd like to read my writing, connect, or otherwise support this growing community that we're cultivating, here are a few ways to do just that:

Thanks again for listening! Until next time, rest easy and travel well. Here’s to finding home wherever we make it!